Case studies

Fathom’s flood data, maps and models are leveraged by some of the biggest market leaders across our target industries; here is a selection of our work.


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Quote Aon and Impact Forecasting can now more holistically approach clients’ flood risk management and quantification needs thanks to our collaboration with Fathom.

Quote Aqua Strategies is proud to work with Fathom on this truly innovative method for greatly improving how we develop flood risk maps in Texas. Successful delivery on this project demonstrates possibilities for the remaining 49 states, and beyond.

Quote Fathom’s most recent release – Fathom-Global 3.0 – provides flood maps for anywhere in the world, and at improved levels of detail, providing information to help decision makers better manage their future flood risk by considering climate change and the associated uncertainty.

Quote Fathom is an innovative and dynamic organisation at the forefront of flood risk research. They offer a range of specialist modelling tools and use a clear and impressive methodology.

Quote Fathom’s flood hazard and risk data products are critical to assessing risks to Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure. In this way, their data impacts the delivery of services relied on by the 400 million global users of Office 365, and OneDrive, and the 48 million members of Xbox.

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