Legal Counsel

Greg McQuade

As Fathom’s in-house legal counsel, Greg manages and advises on all legal aspects of Fathom’s business, from assisting with contractual matters to dealing with wider legal queries.

Greg has been in the legal profession for nine years. He graduated in philosophy from York University before converting to law and completing his legal training at the international law firm Osborne Clarke. He then worked as legal counsel at Dyson and the RAC before joining Fathom, attracted by the opportunity to be involved with a purpose-driven tech company.

Outside work, he reluctantly admits to playing the bagpipes and enjoys cooking, traveling, camping and playing sport whenever he can, whether it’s running, tennis or trying to keep up with his toddler.

Key topics

  • Commercial contracts and commercial law
  • consumer law
  • marketing law regulatory
  • investigations
  • commercial litigation


Contact Greg